Posts Tagged 'voice recognition healthcare'

Top Trends in Health Imaging & IT Revealed

Health Imaging & IT Magazine In the October issue of Health Imaging & IT, Lisa Fratt analyzes the top trends and priorities in healthcare IT for the year to come. Here is a sneak peek at the survey results:

Workflow as a top priority

Nearly 70% of respondents rated improving workflow as a “very important” priority, and large hospitals (500+beds) rate it the #1 priority. Most aim to tackle patient scheduling and registration and many plan to focus on physician and technicians’ productivity.

The importance of workflow

First time investment

68% of facilities that do not have clinical IT yet say they are currently evaluating speech recognition technology:

Technologies under evaluation

Replacements / upgrades

IT solutions that rank high in the 2008 purchase or replacement cycle include enterprise image management, voice recognition and enterprise data storage (to handle that extra image volume). Voice recognition ranks second with 33% of responses:

Clinical IT Technologies

Ways to improve productivity

Number 3 on the list is physician productivity.

Improving workflow

Nearly 40% of healthcare facilities claim DRA cuts encourage them to try to work more efficiently by investing in technology designed to increase productivity/efficiency.

> Read full survey

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